Monday 30 April 2012

I am in love with this advert. arghhhhhhh


Here's an advert i see on tv all the time and i fell in love with the little cute Blue price promise character, i put this on here to show how a company can create a symbol for a brand that people can fall in love with and from this talk about this character, which in effect gets people asking who is this little adorable character my children want as a stuffed plushie so much? Maybe i should look into this. 
It just shows how a simple animation and great character design can push an advert that was something boring to a great advert that people know straight away as soon as they see blue- 'oh, that's blue price promise'

Sunday 29 April 2012

My Concept Art - Environment

Here's some concept art of the college i like the top green one best but to be honest I'm not the best at drawing and i know i need to get down to it and practise my photoshop and tablet drawings skills, during the long summer holidays i aim to work on this with tips from the internet and tutorials online. At the moment though i tried to show through these the time of colours that would be used and the feel that everything will be overgrown with plants etc. I want to keep everything how it is downstairs all the walls, signs, everything and then add my own twist of nature to it. 
Hopefully it will come out better that these drawings.

designing flowers/moss/ branches etc

Moss - 

Here's two mood boards i made up, a lot of the pictures are from skyrim because whilst i'm playing skyrim i always notice the flowers and scenery. If you look below the colours and textures of the flowers and plants are really nice, I like the shape of the purple flower below, sort of windmill like. I'm going to model some flowers in maya and duplicate them putting them all over the floor and walls in lots of different colours. 

Dead Island concept art

I looked at some concept art created by the people who made dead island and i noticed that they include a lot of detail into there drawings, such as the bloody hand print on the fire axe box on the wall. Looking at these pictures made me look more closely at what i was doing and that i wanted to pay more attention to detail, such as the vending machine and lights. I wanted to create everything bit by bit and take the time to add the little things in as well as the big. Here's the concept art from dead island -

Problem! - running out of time

So because i'm running out of time pretty quick and i still have loads to finish i'm going to cut my work load in half by just focusing on one floor level instead of doing two. I think that i bit off bait more than i could chew thinking that i'd have time to do both at this point so even though i've started the first floor and done quite a lot of assets made already for it, i'm gonna put it to one side and get down to the lower ground floor. I'm disappointed that i can't add in some of the assets i've already made like fire extinguishers and water fountains cause i took a lot of time on them and really like them, but i'm now spending more time on them like the vending machines downstairs, I really like making them and have put a lot of detail into them. I remember Annabeth at the start saying that she's looking for quality not quantity and me cutting out a floor will help me to do this better.
Here's a few pics of one of my assets that took me like two whole days to do, my vending machine :D

I created the one above at first but then when i looked back at the picture i had accidentally changed it a little with size and shape etc so i changed it around and came out with one that looks pretty much identical to the photograph i took of it. 

Here's my vending machine after i changed it :)
and here's comparing it to the photo

getting better! I'm going to uv map these with images of the brands from the internet then add a script to make a sound when you push the vending machine button.


I also wanted to uv map each individual product in the machine so i sorted out the uv maps took them into photoshop and put the image form the internet on the correct face the coloured the rest in the correct colour

It ended up looking really cool :) but then i found out that it took ages and was soul destroying repeating the process 50 million times, so i'll come back to this.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Moral Kombat

listen to your gut.
storytelling is now kind of obsolete - video games are now kind of our storytelling.
the argument thats always there, whats suitable for what age - they then had to rate games to tell people more about what they were buying.
doom - you got immersed in the game so much you had to kill everything.
quake - took it to a new level player vs player
what is fun in entertainment?  -guys brother dies makes you ask the question why is killing the main fun thing to do in entertainment? - makes you ask the question what is it in games that i find the most entertaining?
school news shooting - video games to specific games of violence
games can do so many things - the argument is what you get from a game.
man's life saved - made him laugh
people killed
makes you feel like a hero
graphics have grown so much cause everything looks more realistic - the violence the people etc...
old school games like mega man were the same violence like hitting people but the graphics were so different that it was almost comedic, people didn't look at it the same way as they do today.
In general people are afraid of what they don't know and understand - it's easier to say no and fight it.
some people don't want to see it fully , they just think of GTA - they don't look at it as an art form.
GTA - when you look past everything it was such a good game because you could loose yourself in it and look at the clock and hours had gone by.
fallout 3 point look out - drug part - example.
violence isn't just in games - it's in art/ books from an early age.
games can do so many good things - teach history/facts/ stores. educational games/life lesson games.
i know that when I'm sad or need distracting from something in life i'll stick on a game because it stops me from thinking about it. For that time i'm just focused on the game and afterwards - i feel better.
manhunt - kill a man with the plastic bag - have to take a video of it. - it's a snuff game? - what does that mean?
postal 2 - look at this - too violent?

look at cod - torture scene 
terrorist airport terminal

larry - very sexual nature
a lot of narrow-minded christian american high and mighty bible bashers are complaining about the games industry as well as everything else they can complain about.

Monday 23 April 2012

Dishonored - C'mon bethesda don't let me down :)

Floor plans and 3d model

I practised making a mock of what my environment is going to look like , this is how it looked when i started, just made the floors, lift and basic outlines of where the walls will go etc...
I'm gonna work on this and see if i can turn it into my final environment maybe. I'm gonna add the walls and beams and everything see what it looks like to see if it's ok for me to add all my model objects i've made. Seen as i'm running out of time i think it's best that i try and use this model and speed up the process as i still need to model my ship, make it all nature like and texture everything. 
Yeah, starting to panic a lil' bit.

Here's the ground floor and bottom floor of the college where the lift area is. This is where my ship is going to crash, take a look at my floor plan to see where the environment begins and ends. 

Here's my floor plan i made in Illustrator - the key helped really well, helped me think and decide where i want the cut off points in my level and where my crashed ship will go etc... Really helped me in the developing process, imagined it much better with the help of drawing it out. 

Research for my ship

I also compiled a mood board of all the images of ships i found. I wanted the ship to be crashed into the side of the building so that you could see half of it and the other half was outside the building. So in unity when your walking around the ships just there slammed into the wall, i thought it would look pretty good. I looked at a lot of ships from the mass effect series and liked the idea of the reaper and collector ships. They look a bit 'alien fied' if that makes sense and ships that looked dead and evil like they've rotted in space like dead space. Here's a mood board of the ships -

Here's a close up of some of the best images and ideas i have and have got form these images

'Evil' looking ships - 

Sunday 22 April 2012

The elder scrolls series - Props and environments

Looking at pretty scenery -

After i've made my virtual college i want to have the ship crashed in the side of the wall. The ship lives itself and from this crash it's spread its life and nature all around the college. Like the college has adapted to the ship. So from my previous blog post from brid about avatar and such i've been looking around for films/ games and animation with great scenery/ plants/ flowers etc
I may have as well one of the pipes has burst and flowing from it is a particle waterfall created in unity. Hmmmmm yes they may have to happen.
Anywayyyyy - LARA CROFT here - 
From Games - 

I like this one below see how the petals of the plants on the wall have been built up layering over each other,  i like this idea, makes it look more realistic, the rocks look pretty good too

 I found this one with hanging vines - i think i'd like some hanging moss and vines in mine would look good.

 I like the floor in this one although i think its a tad too covered in my piece i think i'd like to keep some of the floor visible so you can see the texture of the floor still underneath it. 

From films - 
All these ones below are from the sets of Lara Croft films, it's set in Thailand and the pictures and scenery are really beautiful. Makes me wanna go to Thailand. 

I'm gonna have fun making the moss from the pictures i collected, notice how it never fully covers the buildings or floor. It grows then spreads. 

I really like these trees above of they've wrapped themselves around the building, some very interesting and funky shapes, i may do something like this in my piece i think it would be interesting rather than just having a tree smack bang in the corner, maybe if i wrapped the tree around the ship then it spread across covering the walls :)

I've played uncharted on the PS Vita and the scenery and graphics were unbelievable, they were visually beautiful and the creators payed very close attention to detail and realism. 
So i thought Uncharted would be a good example to look at for ideas how to make my wild life look more real. Here's a few images i like that i found from the net. 

 Notice things hanging again - definitely gonna do this

 Layered leaves again make it look more real and pretty. Maybe if i take the time to make one perfectly then duplicate it several times rotating and moving like with our trees that were creating.

 The picture below shows the floor covered in moss but not fully covered i like this style i don't think i want the floor to look like a mossy carpet which it might if i cover the whole thing, i'm gonna try both to see what it comes out like. 

I took this image I found on the internet and edited in photoshop showing points that i liked form it which i want to include in my scenery.