Sunday 29 April 2012

Problem! - running out of time

So because i'm running out of time pretty quick and i still have loads to finish i'm going to cut my work load in half by just focusing on one floor level instead of doing two. I think that i bit off bait more than i could chew thinking that i'd have time to do both at this point so even though i've started the first floor and done quite a lot of assets made already for it, i'm gonna put it to one side and get down to the lower ground floor. I'm disappointed that i can't add in some of the assets i've already made like fire extinguishers and water fountains cause i took a lot of time on them and really like them, but i'm now spending more time on them like the vending machines downstairs, I really like making them and have put a lot of detail into them. I remember Annabeth at the start saying that she's looking for quality not quantity and me cutting out a floor will help me to do this better.
Here's a few pics of one of my assets that took me like two whole days to do, my vending machine :D

I created the one above at first but then when i looked back at the picture i had accidentally changed it a little with size and shape etc so i changed it around and came out with one that looks pretty much identical to the photograph i took of it. 

Here's my vending machine after i changed it :)
and here's comparing it to the photo

getting better! I'm going to uv map these with images of the brands from the internet then add a script to make a sound when you push the vending machine button.


I also wanted to uv map each individual product in the machine so i sorted out the uv maps took them into photoshop and put the image form the internet on the correct face the coloured the rest in the correct colour

It ended up looking really cool :) but then i found out that it took ages and was soul destroying repeating the process 50 million times, so i'll come back to this.

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