Thursday 26 April 2012

Moral Kombat

listen to your gut.
storytelling is now kind of obsolete - video games are now kind of our storytelling.
the argument thats always there, whats suitable for what age - they then had to rate games to tell people more about what they were buying.
doom - you got immersed in the game so much you had to kill everything.
quake - took it to a new level player vs player
what is fun in entertainment?  -guys brother dies makes you ask the question why is killing the main fun thing to do in entertainment? - makes you ask the question what is it in games that i find the most entertaining?
school news shooting - video games to specific games of violence
games can do so many things - the argument is what you get from a game.
man's life saved - made him laugh
people killed
makes you feel like a hero
graphics have grown so much cause everything looks more realistic - the violence the people etc...
old school games like mega man were the same violence like hitting people but the graphics were so different that it was almost comedic, people didn't look at it the same way as they do today.
In general people are afraid of what they don't know and understand - it's easier to say no and fight it.
some people don't want to see it fully , they just think of GTA - they don't look at it as an art form.
GTA - when you look past everything it was such a good game because you could loose yourself in it and look at the clock and hours had gone by.
fallout 3 point look out - drug part - example.
violence isn't just in games - it's in art/ books from an early age.
games can do so many good things - teach history/facts/ stores. educational games/life lesson games.
i know that when I'm sad or need distracting from something in life i'll stick on a game because it stops me from thinking about it. For that time i'm just focused on the game and afterwards - i feel better.
manhunt - kill a man with the plastic bag - have to take a video of it. - it's a snuff game? - what does that mean?
postal 2 - look at this - too violent?

look at cod - torture scene 
terrorist airport terminal

larry - very sexual nature
a lot of narrow-minded christian american high and mighty bible bashers are complaining about the games industry as well as everything else they can complain about.

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