Sunday 22 April 2012

Starting to make the models

I thought the best way to do it would be to work from all the photos i took of the main objects and leave the image plane ones till last seen as there the easy ones. So i started to model all the objects from fire extinguishers to light switches. I only had to make one of each thing cause i can easily duplicate objects saving loads of time. I made a model of the floor plan in maya so i have a good idea of where everything goes virtually. I'm feeling confident at the minute with my idea but i am panicking  a little due to the time left, with having 4weeks holiday its easy to put work to one side then time flies by.
I took a few screen shots of some of the objects i've made so far, since the first module i'm feeling much more confident using maya and you can see the my skills have come on from my animation as i was pretty darn rubbish at making shapes. I've found that i'm thinking more maya style about shapes, what shapes make what and what i could use in my set of tools to create a certain object. Such as deleting faces, extending vertices and using already made shapes from maya such as torus's and cutting them in half :)
Here's the screen shots -

A professional light for the art work on the lower floor

 Multiple light switches and plug in's

 The drain to the water fountain - attention to detail there! ;)

 Start of the water fountain

 Got quite a few done, a handful more to go 

The next step after this is to get the walls, floors ceiling done etc. Just the basic environment to put all the objects in, this shouldn't take long at all as i've drawn up plans of the floor, have loads of source images and have made a quick model in maya already. I may just work from that making it bigger or i may make it in unity, will see which one i feel better with. 

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