Sunday 6 November 2011

Stories within Stories. Short animations created for the film SuckerPunch

Distant Planet (Animated Short) Scene - Sucker Punch Movie (2011) - 

My favourite-

These animations are really beautiful and the story lines are great. You can tell a lot of time went into pre- production here it all goes together perfectly from the camera angles to the music, everything fits great. In my opinion the first one below is one of the best short animations i've seen it creates a dramatic sense and hits your emotions, whilst also having great animation, beautiful art work and a kick ass narration. 
I really like narrations in animations i think most times the narration can make or break it. There's nothing worse than having a shitty cringe worthy narration destroy your lovely animation you've worked so hard to build. 

Feudal Warriors (Animated Short) Scene - Sucker Punch

In relation to my work these have really set the bar for my showing me how its done. The principles of animation are great and everything flows so smoothly and realistic. 

Dragon (Animated Short) Scene - Sucker Punch

The Trnches (Anitmated Short) Scene - Sucker Punch

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