Sunday 6 November 2011

Modernity & Modernism Lecture

The term modern is not a neutral term – it suggests novelty and improvement
Modernity (1750-1960) – social and cultural experience
Modernism – The range of ideas and styles that sprang from modernity
Importance of modernism
 a vocabulary of styles
2. art and design education
    3. Idea of form follows function

What i learned from this lecture is that modernism is contemporary, non traditional, new and pionnering. 
Bauhaus is a good example of modernisum, it finished 80years ago and we still use there designs today. 
It was a german school of design and craftsmanship that developed into a movement. It defined modern design and revolutionised art education, here's a few pictures, they show how the style is still used today, for example a knife and fork set they will always be that style with is bauhaus.

Here's my notes from the lecture, the main points i jotted down the sides, have a read over it to get more of what i learned

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