Wednesday 9 May 2012

Alex Galuzin - environment designer and level designer

I came across this environment artist called Alex Galuzin and some of his work is amazing, one of my favourite pieces to look at was his house in Menorca is what all very architectural so it was great reference for my work for the college. I noticed how all his work must have been drawn and measured and re-drawn and measured a dozen times so everything fit together like a jigsaw puzzle like houses would do in real life.
Here's some images of the house in Menorca-

Another interesting one to look at was his Arch Viz environment - here the image below

Again it shows how he's combined architecture, interior design and by architectural renderings to create a great and beautiful piece. 
On his blog he states that - 

I’ve always been fascinated by architecture, interior design and by architectural renderings. I have dozens of books on drawing architectural plans, how to render architectural drawings and architecture history . I think it is one of the reasons I love level design and interactive 3d worlds in games.
The following is a model and a render I worked on in Maya. I am very happy with the results.
Everything was modeled in Maya and rendered using Global Illumination and Final Gather.

I've always been interested in architecture too and love beautiful grand buildings, maybe this is something to follow up on and learn more about? :)

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