Wednesday 4 January 2012

silent & black and white films

The first thing that i thought about when i decided i was gonna do trains was silent movies.
The music popped into my head and the old style frames with writing on instead of sound.
So i started to look around on the internet for silent films and what kind of shots they used, what music was used and what the style of the frames looked like. I found a number of interesting things, my favourite that i found was an adaptation of star wars where someone took away the music and put in a piano to go along with the drama of the scene, they also added frames and writing in there and if i remember correctly, the frames say pretty much what luke and vader said in those scenes.
As a fan of star wars i enjoyed watching this, i thought it was a quirky idea which worked well. the crinkly camera effect was added and the camera moved up and down as if someone was holding it not quite steady enough, which is what the old black and white silent films did too. Here's the clip -

notice in the film above the frames used how they look i took this style and looked around the internet for a template of this kind of frame which i found from a girls blog. 
See created a black and white silent frame slide for anyone to use.
here's a jpeg of the frame slide. I downloaded it from the internet then opened it up in photoshop,
then i edited it and added my writing in the traditional white text. 
I think I'm going to change the style of the writing to a bit more old silent style, mike pointed out in the final crit presentation that the style of writing didn't really fit if i want to go for the old silent film look.

1904 - The Great Train Robbery

We got told about this clip in lesson so i wrote it down to research later, apparently because this was such 
an early silent film the people that went to see this at the cinema ran out of it screaming cause they thought the train was going to hit them, people had never seen anything like it. 
Knowing this makes me appreciate film even more, knowing how it was and how it is today.
I think people take it for grated and say somethings shit when it's not.
It's only been a hundred and ten years since people ran out screaming and today we have these amazing special effects and animations which make you sit back in your seat at the cinema now with your mouth open thinking shit me, i wanna do that. 

Speaking of amazing special effects i went to see the new sherlock homes movie and it was amazing. I don't normally say this because it never normally happens but the 2nd film was actually better than the 1st.
Wasn't bored for one second and the visual effects were stunning, was on the edge of my seat the whole time wanting more. Here's a clip from it, if you haven't seen it - GO NOW!


I found this clip to of laurel and hardy, i'm putting this up mostly cause i just love them and haven't seen 'way out west' in years. That film was FU-NNY. 
I've also put it up to show the style of black and white films. The crinkly sound effect in the background and the film music at the end. Love it :)

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