Wednesday 23 November 2011

pictures from BAF

At the national photography museum downstairs theres a bit where the loads of old school consoles and games so i took a few pictures to show how games and consoles have come on this past 60 odd years

One of my favourites below, i remember playing this at play group and always dying on super mario.
Was fun though :)

Below- super mario kart, Jess and myself had a little go but got bored very quickly to be honest. It was very hard to control compared to MarioKart these days.

I found these really cute and interesting, paper cut outs of nintendo and other characters and old school game boy colours. Made me wanna make one.

I like this one the best. Game boy was such a good handheld console and still is.
I've got my GameboySP still in my draw and i'd pick playing that over a 
Nintendo DS 'anything' any day.

I had a sega mega drive there worth like £100 which is a pain in the arse cause my grandma threw mine out not too long ago :/
I can remember playing Altered Beast over and over and over again trying to get past the bear level.
I never could.

I <3 Gameboy

This one i took just to show how old and dated this is. We've come such a long way in console design and technology. All i can say is thank god, cause if i had to play on this crap i wouldn't be a happy bunny

A little bit of history for you here the first ever computer Noughts and Crosses game.
Developed by Professor Alexander Douglas at Cambridge University UK

I love how animation and graphics have changed over the years. Can't wait to see what i can do.

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