Monday 3 October 2011

Photography induction

This morning andy took us through the steps to using a SLR (single reflex lens) there was really loads of stuff you could change and use. It made me wonder why at my old college they never told us anything like that about the camera's. So we went threw the buttons changing aperture time, shutter speed, ISO, white balance etc...
we also went threw the little dial thing (can't remember what its called) there was alotta different ones, portrait, landscape, sports, no flash, professional mode as andy calls it, etc. I was interested to learn all these different things you could do.
Our brief said that we had to take 6 pictures of a personal item experimenting with the camera and the different functions. So here's my images, i took 7 cause i like the yellow :)

Depth of field - Here I set up my speaker on a chair and used a friends iphone to show the different depths of field. First I changed the SLR to auto focus and zoomed out as far as it would go and then just got really close. Before taking the photo i changed the aperture to F4.0 I also tapped on the shutter button for it to focus automatically.

Just another go at depth of field.

Here i tried it the other way so i repeated my process but this time instead changed my aperture to F22, this made the apple blurry at the front and the iphone in the back in focus.

I like the yellow background :)

Exposure Compensation and Colour - Here andy helped me with colour exposure, i changed it to professional mode and put it on the table so it wouldn't move around and we could see the image change. My speaker pip is red so we changed the little dial to -2 I think it's called the exposure compensation to let in more light.
See the three images below how the little red pip gets redder. 

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