Monday 9 April 2012

The Hunger Games

I'd never heard of the hunger games before until i saw it advertised on telly and thought yeah thats looks alright a sort of teenage/adult version of Battle Royale with white people in it. Let's go see if they did it right :)
So i did andddddddd... I really enjoyed it, thought the idea was great and i love like training bits in movies, you know where they give them the equipment and they prepare themselves. Makes it more realistic rather than throwing them in and all of a sudden they know how to fight. 
I thought that they showed emotions very well, how humans are capable of anything if there put in the wrong situation and how some just have strong will and large hearts. It very much draws you in and i wasn't bored once, which is quite rare for me with films, i'm very picky with them. 
I had a few questions by the end of it which the film didn't answer, such as why were they all wearing colourful clothing? Why were the 'rich'? people in the nice district if there was a war or whatever it was. How did the virtual dogs kill people if they were computerised virtual beings? - again in a time where there suppose to be in poverty? Maybe i just missed these things but i've bought the books now cause the films always miss details. I look forward to reading them :)
 I would highly recommend watching the hunger games, great story line, great characters even if Katniss is hot and her team mate Peeta brings it down a bit cause he's a little bitch. 
Here's the trailers - good stuff! 

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