Friday 23 March 2012

Being made redundant sucks- GAME

So recently the Game sager has affected me quite a lot because i worked for them, It came as quite a shock to me that we actually went under but the fact is it also was a shock to me in a good way. It made me realise how fragile the games industry can be and that things do and can change all of sudden and its what you learn and do with the skills later on. 
It also taught me that when your the little guy so to speak a big company doesn't care about you at all and i was silly to think this looking back on it now. 
When our manager came in and told us we were being made redundant he was quite patronising and obviously did not care about our lives or jobs at all. We weren't even given a full proper reason as to why we were losing our jobs there we just rumours being past around all the colleges, the most we got were i'm not too sure, you'd have to take it up with head office.  
I learned invaluable experience and knowledge from game which i'm thankful for in the sense of games knowledge, the chance to play on a whole store of video games and the skills i learned dealing with customers in a game environment. It gave me great knowledge of industry's and how games are sold to game and to the public - how we had targets all the time that basically said SMILE! - SELL SELL SELL
which tells you a lot really that game tried to care about there customers but it all just came out backwards in the end because they didn't even care enough for there staff. 
I met some great people through this job and currently have a friend i met working for ubisoft now so i still get freebies and information a lot which is good. I'm just gonna miss all the game freebies the most :)
Such a shame the game's over

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