Sunday 5 February 2012

research animation - how birds move

So i watched some animations of birds moving this was the main one that helped me the most seen as they are little and blue and cute :)
The kind of wobble and hop, seen as mine doesn't have any legs from this i decided to make it hop but hop cute and small like these birds would if they didn't have legs. I really liked the facial animation but because i left it last minute, there was just no time to do it. 
Im definitely gonna continue my animation over the years though and add to it all the new things i leaner so at the end i can compare my original to the one I've been tweaking for years. 

Here's some sketches i did of how my bird would move. Matt also taught me something really helpful - think of the object as shapes. What shapes make up this object or character. 
Depict it. So i did.

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