Friday 10 February 2012


So Cyriak came in to give us a talk about what he does being an animator and how he gets buy etc...
To be honest i did like the guy and his presentation was entertaining, but to be honest - the guy was a bit of a bum and no matter what he says he's totally done acid for at least 10years. 
He basically told us that cause he's got a fucked up mind he animates anything that comes into his head and people pay him to animate strange and stupid things. This is good that he's doing what he wants and he's chilled and can just animate whatever pops into his head, but he does projects to get buy and not work for a while. Like he'll do a job to put him on for however long he can get enough money for then he'll not work. 
I guess this is alright for some people but to me it just sounds a bit lazy  and if you love what you do why do it just to get time off? 
On a lighter note i did like most of his animations and the guy was funny. The soundtracks to his clips were great i still find myself randomly singing along to the tunes now. Especially the soundtrack from the first cow clip. Have a watch of these - see what you think.

very funny clip below :)

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