Thursday 9 February 2012

2D Game animation - RAYMAN :D

I recently played a demo for Rayman origins and I'm waiting for a copy to be in my store so i can rent it and complete it :)
Raymans so good in every way the graphics are stunning, the storyline is quirky and funny. The multiplayer mode is awesome and the characters, you just wanna hug em. 
The 2D animation works so well in this case i think if it was 3D it would totally ruin it. 
Camera angles are pretty basic stays at a long view shot most of the time but thats so you can see everything cause its like sonic. A level on a level. These types of games are fun that way, makes them what they are - classics :)
<3 rayman - thingymajigy haha

I'd like to learn after effects more so i could try out bait of 2D animation i'm gonna look more into tutorials and practise on it. 

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