Thursday 26 January 2012

making my 1 min instructional video better...

So, to make my video better I'm gonna photoshop a tunnel into the actual shot, i'm gonna try create one in illustrator and photoshop based off a new roadrunner cartoon.
I remember watching the old roadrunner cartoons and loving them, i found this new roadrunner clip off youtube. Comparing it to the old one you can see how much animation has changed and come along.
The face, colours and landscape are more appealing, everything seems more life like, more real.
Here's an old clip of roadrunner, where he catches him! :O!

and heres the new 3D animated cartoons
i also picked these next two clips to focus on the tunnels, to see how there illustrated and placed into the shots. They always seem to be placed on the right hand side of the camera shot, which mine is too.
(skip to 1min 50secs for the tunnel scene)

see below another vid i found of the painted on portable hole, where coyote paints on a tunnel and roadrunner runs down it. It made me think because my video is humorous anyway why not add a cartoon feel to it. The whole point of it is to be funny and silly so why not?

here's one of the clips i'll need to edit in the tunnel and i'll do this through the entire video.
I've used this screenshot to measure the position and height the tunnel should be.

i found this one which was way too small

then this one where the lorry was in the way a little bit

this one was perfect so i screen shotted it and dragged it into photoshop where i positioned it correct and the height and everything.

i noticed then that Chris looked as if he was looking down the tunnel the wrong way or the tunnel was the wrong way around for the direction of the track and dolly track so i flipped the image.

i put the two next to each other to show the difference, as you can see it looks much better and like it fits.

heres after finished flip and height and length adjustments.
What i'm going to do now is base mine off this and create a new tunnel in illustrator then place it into the shots.

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