Tuesday 31 January 2012

filming in leeds

For the second poem Andy and i did the filming on a Monday. We went around leeds with a sheet of paper that we'd wrote ideas down on as to what is beautiful in leeds. We asked the question what do people walk past and not see the beauty of everyday things anymore?
(oh yeah, over christmas too we randomly filmed pretty things we came across, i got a few good sunsets in there)
At the beginning of the storyboarding i had an idea to do time lapses and spilt screen so when we went out we thought of busy places such as the top of brigitte and took out a HD camera and a tripod. We set up the equipment and seen as it had just been pouring it down with rain the sun had come and just after and was really pretty. So we sat on one of the soaking wet benches and filming people walking by for 15mins getting a nice long shot of all down brigitte and the sun in the background. We also got a great shot of the clouds going past and a plane went by too... I sneakily filmed in the train station one day too with my iPod.... sorry mike! - it was a good time lapse though :)
Andy had a good idea to zoom into something so much that you can't tell what it is then slowly zoom out revealing it so we put that in it too. If i'm being honest the second poem wasn't as organised as the first but andy and i did the best we could for filming and i think we did pretty well.
Here's a few of some of the best clips i liked from the day of filming and the vids i got of filming over christmas.
here's two vid's form my iPod i got over christmas. nice sunsets :)

a nice clip from filming in Leeds

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