Thursday 15 December 2011

F**K you maya

I am finding this so hard and annoying and annoying and annoying.

how to - import images from your 'sourceimages' folder into maya

making a cube and wrapping a texture around it from photoshop

heres the map of the cube (the net) then you find an image you want
also invert the colours so its black lines on a white background - it's easier to see

when you've found the images copy and paste into photoshop putting the images in the right place and make them the right size.

then you must do technical things in maya which i cant remember at the minute cause im crap, but yeah i will have to figure it out... AGAIN.

Next maya lesson - 
to scale something and wanting to keep the height or width of one side - hold ctrl and click the one you want to keep then scale

below again - extrude the polygon by hold ctrl and dragging where you like

modeling an actual object - 

open images in photoshop from where ever you saved them
would be best to make a file on the desktop.

make sure rulers are on, move rulers to around the object 
copy and paste to new doc

REMEMBER this time - save to sourceimages folder so you can find everything in your maya file.

open your image in maya it will come out like this below, you have to move it out of the
way of your object first and to work better from it.

when thats done, it should look like this on the perspective view. 
Turn cameras off so they dont get in the way of your viewing way.
REMEMBER - when creating your objects turn xray on so you can see your object better.

BELOW- one of the many ways to - insert edge loop tool

REMEMBER BELOW - when deforming something (like a sphere for example)
make sure your in animation mode, (top left hand corner)

how to deform something

this helps when deforming (not sure why)
but yeah, just do it.

select both of these by holding shift and clicking then press P (parent it)

change the factor - this changes its size etc

REMEMBER - duplicate instead of copy and paste!!

This is how far i got on the toy one. I've been on this for hours now and im just finding it too difficult.
I don't like the fact that it's coloured im finding it harder than doing a black and white image.
I'll come back to this when i feel like i have more experience with Maya.

how to bevel something

offset- makes the bevel bigger or smaller. how many regiments are in something you can change them

another way to insert edge loop tool - (then you can put in how many you want manually too)
i think this is probs the best way

TIP - double click to select all of an edge. hold shift and double click another edge to select all of that too

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