Wednesday 23 November 2011

BAF 2011

I had a great time at this, some of the conferences were really interesting, influential and informative.
We got our tickets, a bag, a t-shirt, the works!
I was pretty impressed for our £15 thought we'd get like a crappy bottle of pop an a pat on the back, but yeah pleasantly surprised.

Here's my favourite lectures scanned in below :)

Heres the time table for the 2 days. The LONG two days.

Andy Schmidt from Pixar was giving a talk on the Friday and at first I wasn't that bothered about going but then i changed my mind... I tried to hunt down a ticket but sadly they were all sold out :/
I really wanted my Prince of Egypt dvd signed too :(

I scanned in my little guide booklet that i got to show some of the images from the talks we saw.
See below- the guys who did Faceware for Red dead and Six to starts zombie run app.

SEE BELOW- I scanned in this page cause i liked the presentation that was given. Both of them were by far the best of the day. Cat and mouse had humour and interesting stuff balanced out. I really enjoyed watching them. And the final lecture of the day had a very heated debate. 
The guy doing it said,
 'You can't learn anything from a game.' 
An everybody just went nuts, he got proper grilled.
I almost put my hand up at one point to ask about age of mythology, I learned loads of interesting things from there which I've used in everyday life, from pub quizzes to actual essays i've written. 
So i very much disagreed with him, throughout it he was hypocritical, used the wrong choice of words and was just a bell.

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