Tuesday 29 November 2011

Skyrim analysis

Visually appealing

the annoying thing about such a big game world....

getting stuck in a rock, or a door, or a rock thats not there.
so annoying! especially if you haven't saved in a while!

everyones skyrim crazyyyyyy

I wouldn't go as far as a tattoo, but i'm still sad enough to wear the t-shirt whilst playing :P

track and dolly induction

Another induction blog post - We got out the track and dolly this section.
Matt showed us how to put it out where everything goes, how to use it and how not to use it.
After it had been set up we had a little go messing around with it.
I enjoyed using it, it was different and i've never set one up or used one before.
It was interesting to see how you could use it to get different shots.
It also gave me the idea for my 1minute instructional video which is pretty cool.

Below- a pic of it being set up
Below- the dolly and track set up fully
Below- here's a vid of us having a go on it

green screen induction

Matt took us threw the green screen induction, he showed us how to get out all the equipment properly, how to set it up and what equipment we'd need.
I really like green screens, Im yet to try it out but soon enough i will.

Below- Tim and Joe getting out the green screen
Luca to demonstrate- He had to be in right position for lighting to get an even better affect, we didn't wanna just smack him on the green screen and there you go. 
So we put him in the right place then fiddled around with the lighting.

3 lights were used one to bring out the edge light from behind.

One up top to bring out the green screen and behind etc

And one at the front to bring out the features of his face.

We had a monitor up at the same time as each light was placed and turned on so that we could see the difference of having one and not the other, having all of them at once or none at all.
After we went into Matt's room and he then showed us how to put in a background where the green screen was. He did some buildings so it looked like Luca was falling to his death.
Unfortunately I couldn't get a pic of this, Matt turned it off too fast!

lighting induction

Matt showed us how to properly get out the lights, set them up and about safety things. 
Like how to move them properly, say spark before you turn on a light so no one gets blinded and put the leg faced front so the weight of the light doesn't knock it over.

So we used a monitor and Luca to show how the light could change and bring out the features of his face.

We learned about the front light, edge light and back light

Here's some photo's of the lights, 
up high

normal size with black shutters spread wide to let more light out

if you keep the black shutters tight together it focus's the light more, but careful don't touch them cause there hot!

Here's a pic of some of the guys having a go with the camera equipment

Thursday 24 November 2011

editing induction part 2

maya induction part 2

So we had to give moving an object in maya a go. You had to remember to key select all the time and select the bits on the timeline you wanted the animation to change.

See above- Just a simple cylinder shape thrown up into the air and back down.
I just wanted to give it a quick go but obviously next time i'll use the rules of animation and do it better.

See below- Matt wanted us to make a pendulum swing, i found this quite simple and easy which is pretty good. I found changing the graph manually the hardest thing.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

editing research and linking music to animation

Assassin's Creed: Beautiful Lies

I absolutely love this fan video, found it on youtube and the guy is in my opnion so good at editing. Throughout it he thinks about all different types of camera angles, colour, timing, the music and even using eagle vision in parts for extra effects. 
I think this guy nailed this fan trailer, watching it over and over i notice more and more and its taught me a lot to watch out for and think about, for example- 
The camera angles- so many are used front, long shot, birds-eye, close up, medium shot, so so many. And even better all of them blend together brilliantly. I think the one i like the best is when he uses the two different characters doing the same thing and edits it so they swap between each other when he's walking or whatever. It looks brilliant and using the animus background and synchronising backgrounds is a good idea. 
The colour- animus colours are used which lets the audience relate to ass-assins creed and maybe even if you haven't played it you'll know what it is. Eagle visions used which works good and blends well. Really made me think about colour blending whats mixes, whats eye-catching, what works and links together.
The timing and music- everything in the timings spot on when the beat drops in the song and he falls and it's slowed down. The slash of a sword mixing with a beat, really well done. Also the song fits with everything thats going on in the trailer.

yeah if you cant tell - i bum this video

lecture - film theory 3 - Italian Vernacular Cinema